Emotional Triggers In Co-Parenting


Emotional Triggers In Co-Parenting

Ever wonder whether there's a better way to co-parent and communicate with your ex? Co-parenting can be incredibly stressful and triggering. Activities that you used to do as a family have now become a minefield you’re delicately sorting through. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be like this. If co-parenting is triggering, there are plenty of third-party services available that help ease the friction.

Our Family Wizard is a platform that helps solve issues surrounding scheduling, expenses, and communication. This software is widely circulated and many courts require parents to use it. Different family members and legal professionals can access the app, which provides secure storage space. You can use the forum as an instant messenger, share calendars, and execute co-pays for extracurricular expenditures.

If that application doesn’t work for your family, other options include AppClose (which is completely free), TalkingParents, and CoParenter, which gives you access to a team of mediators, therapists, and retired judges who can help provide conflict resolution help.

Getting divorced can be an arduous process for parents and children. Rather than worsen the problems, use a tool that helps ease the tension, it’s well-worth the investment.